Credit Crunch
by West End Financial
Credit Approval Web Application with Integrated Neural Net Risk Analysis
Credit Approval Web Application with Integrated Neural Net Risk Analysis
Below is a list of some of my favorite technologies.
To learn more about what all I have experience with, feel free to reach out
or view my StackShare!
var aboutMe = (interest = bringHimIn) ? personalInfo : break;
Hello! My name is Drew McKinney, and I like to build cool stuff.
I have a background in Chemical Engineering and worked previously in the aerospace industry;
my work still involves clouds, but these are slightly different and arguably bigger.
I'm a visionary developer and experienced engineer that likes to innovate and think outside of the box,
and I love a well-built and efficient product.
I enjoy outdoor activities such as mountain biking, backpacking, bouldering and soccer almost as much as I love basement dwelling playing video games and
building my next `get-rich-quick` application.
I am currently living in Music City - Nashville, Tennessee.
If you would like to learn a little more about my professional life,
feel free to view my resume
or by reaching out!